Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Step 2: Contact a recruiter

This step is harder than I thought to complete. i had to search a few websites to get the number for the recruit depot. i called them twice and left a message. I also submitted my info online at www.marines.com. For those of you that may have done JROTC, ROTC, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, or have taken the ASVAB in HS, the recruiters will probably contact you. I did none of this.

Yesterday at work, I got a call from an officer recruiter, and then later an enlisted recruiter. The difference being that The first marine wanted to see if I could be an officer, but once I told him that my desired MOS would prevent that, he got me in contact with the second marine. I answered a series of questions such as where I lived, did I do drugs, what was my height/ weight...etc.

They really were willing to work with my situation. They are trying to get the liaison to give me a ride all the way to LA to o my testing and everything! They will pay for "Three hots and a cot" as a friend of mine says. That means I spend the night and they feed me.

Ermergerd! I was told I would be picked up tomorrow, so today I am spending the day restudying everything and coming up with questions and gathering everything I need for going up there. The recruiter didn't really say anything I needed except ID, HS diploma, and SS card. (Besides toothbrush and questions and my brain).

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