
I am thinking about joining the Marine Corps once I graduate CSUN. If anyone I know is reading this, don't freak out. it's not a done deal yet. However, I am doing everything with that goal in mind. This is my fourth blog so far, and more for my accountability than anything else.

I have come up with a workout (PT) schedule that I hope will help me to get into shape. I also am compiling a list of things to get me ready and healthy for Basic Combat Training. I don't HAVE to do anything to prepare me for BCT, but I would be hard pressed to join up with the knowledge that I cannot do even one full pull up and I struggle with doing even five push ups.

Here is my PT schedule (warning, this is updated very often, as will all my posts):
It is a twelve month program but it continues after that.
The idea is to continue until you Fit and confident with your body. This will give you a head start when you show up to BCT. There are several components to BCT. Some of these are things you can prepare for, and some aren't. You can prepare for physical hardship. You can prepare for the tests. You can prepare for living a certain way. You cannot really prepare for all the yelling and psychological crap that they are going to throw at you. I plan to be prepared for everything possible.

One last thing. I am a female. Everything I do is based on requirements for a female. My goal is to exceed all of the requirements, regardless of sex.

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